1. The 1976 Ames Research Center (NASA) Conference on the Geometric Theory of Non-linear Waves :
المؤلف: by J. Corones [and others] ; edited by Robert Hermann.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Bäcklund transformations, Congresses.,Geometry, Differential, Congresses.,Nonlinear waves, Congresses.,Solitons, Congresses.,Bäcklund, Transformations de, Congrès.,Géométrie différentielle, Congrès.,Mouvement ondulatoire, Théorie du-- Congrès.,Solétons-- Congrès.,31.52 differential geometry.,Bäcklund transformations.,Bäcklund, Transformations de.,Differentiaalmeetkunde.,Géométrie différentielle.,Geometry, Differential.,Niet-lineaire golven.,Nonlinear waves.,Ondes non linéaires.,Solitons.,Solitons.,Solitons.
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